Rabu, 09 Februari 2011
Amazing Bali in Indonesia
Bali comes from the word "Bal" in Sanskrit means "Strength", and "Bali" means "Sacrifice", which means that we should not forget our strength. So we are always ready to make sacrifices. Bali has 2 national hero who was instrumental in maintaining the area of I Gusti Ngurah Rai and I Gusti Ketut Jelantik.
Bali Island is part of the Lesser Sunda Islands of thousands of Denpasar. Places Ubud Other important as the art center is located in Gianyar regency, while Kuta, Sanur, Seminyak, and Nusa Dua are some places that a tourist destination, both tourist and beach resorts. Ethnic groups are divided into 2 Bali: Bali Aga (original Balinese people used to live in the area Trunyan), and Mojopahit Bali (Balinese Hindu / Balinese descent Mojopahit).
Bali mostly use the language of Bali and Indonesian languages, most Balinese people are bilingual or even trilingual. English is the third and the main foreign language for the people of Bali who are influenced by the needs of the tourism industry. Balinese language is divided into 2, namely, language is the language of Bali Aga more rough pronunciation, and language Bali Mojopahit.yaitu language pronunciation smoother.
Banjar or can be referred to as the village is a form of social units based on the unity of the region. Social unity is strengthened by the unity of customs and religious ceremonies. Banjar dikepalahi by Klian banjo who served as concerning all matters in the field of social and religious life, but often also have to solve problems that include the customary law of land, and the things that nature of government administration.
The Balinese have grown to know and irrigation system water control system that regulates the irrigation system and planting in the rice fields. And they also are familiar with the architectural layout of the room and set the building like the building of Feng Shui. Architecture is an expression of symbolic communicative and educative. Balinese also has a traditional weapon that is one of them kris. In addition to self-defense, according to the trust when the keris is soaked in water to cure people bitten by venomous animals.
a). Marriage
Withdrawal lineage in Balinese society is patrilineal lead. Caste system greatly affect the course of a marriage, because of a higher caste woman who married a lower caste man is not justified because there was a deviation, which would shame the family and drop the prestige of the entire caste of female children.
In some areas of Bali (not all areas), shall also apply customary dowry transfer (petuku luh), but today especially among families learned men, have disappeared.
b). Kinship
Indigenous settled after marriage retreat affects kinship in a community association. There are two kinds of indigenous settle a retreat that is often accepted custom is customary that justify virilokal newlyweds settled around the center of the residence of the husband's relatives, and traditional customs that determine neolokal are newlyweds living alone place the new residence. In Bali there are 3 major clan groups (triwangsa), namely: Brahmin as master of ceremonies, the Knights are: group-specific klompok like arya Kepakisan and Jaba ie as a religious leader.
c). Social
Village, a community of people living unity of Bali covers at 2 terms, namely: traditional village and the village office (administrative). Both are a union territory in conjunction with any religious or traditional customs, while the service is unity admistratif village. Activities focus on areas of traditional village customs and religious ceremonies, while the official village centered on the areas of administration, governance and development.
In general, the majority of people bali livelihood farming, the terrain is fairly good rainfall, pertenakan especially cattle and pigs as an important business in rural communities in Bali, both land and sea fisheries that are subject pecaharian sideline, handicraft making handicraft items include matting , sculptures, fabrics, carvings, percetakaan, coffee factories, cigarette factories, etc.. Business in this field to provide employment to the residents. Since many tourists who visit Bali then arises the hotel business, travel, crafts shops.
Religion in the embrace by some Balinese are Hindus about 95%, of the total population of Bali, while the remaining 5% are adherents of Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The purpose of life Hinduism is to achieve balance and peace to live birth and batin.orang Hindus believe in one God in the form of the concept of Trimurti, namely the form of Brahmin (the creator), a form of Vishnu (the protector and guardian), as well as a form of Shiva (the destroyer) . Places of worship called a temple retreat. Places of ancestor worship is called buffering. Hindu scriptures are Weda originating from India.
People who died in a Hindu ceremony sanggat Ngaben deemed essential to free spirits who have passed away from earthly ties to heaven. Ngaben itself is cremation. The Feast of the people of Hindu religion is the celebration of Nyepi whose implementation in the new year saka on the 1st of the month 10 (kedasa), except that there are also Galungan, brass, Saras pendonor, Tumpek Landep Tumpek uduh, and Siwa Ratri.
Guidelines for the Teachings of Hinduism namely: (1). Tattwa (religious philosophy), (2). Ethics (moral), (3). Ceremony (Yadnya). There are 5 different retreat ceremony (penta Yadnya), namely (1). Human Yadnya the ceremony of pregnancy until adulthood. (2). Pitra Yadnya the ceremony devoted to the ancestral spirits. (3). Dewa Yadnya the ceremony held at the temple / shrine family. (4). Rsi Yadnya yaituupacara in the context of the inauguration of a pastor. (5). Bhuta Yadnya the ceremony for the spirits of humans who disturb the smooth around humans.
Cultural arts in bali classified in three main groups namely visual arts such as painting, sculpture, arsistektur arts, performing arts such as dance, literary arts, performing arts, music, and art audiovisual such as video and film art.
1. Manners: manners habit of agreeing in the social environment among people in the group.
2. Nguopin: mutual cooperation.
3. Ngayah or ngayang: community service for religious purposes.
4. Courtesy: indigenous relations in polite society towards people of different sex.
In Bali type livelihood is farming paddy fields. Principal livelihood began to shift on the type of non-agricultural livelihoods. This shift occurred because of that in the present with the development of tourism industry in Bali, then they come further consider also, especially in the livelihoods of its inhabitants.
So most people sell their land to the tourism industry that is felt more and more quickly enjoyed. Revenue earned at this time mostly from non-agricultural livelihoods, such as: carpenters, drivers, industrial, and household crafts. Household handicraft industry as leading the effort flour skid, skid coconut, rice whitening, embroidery or sewing sewing business.
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