Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

FLAT 1100D

FLAT 1100D
Hi I Am Fiat
If you are a fan of the old vehicle, you know stands for Fiat, Fabbrica Italiana Automobile Torino. Along with other European auto companies, Fiat started production in 1899. Following the development of Fiat's time to make changes to adjust din clan with the market, one type Fiat 1100D.

Fiat this type was introduced to the general public about the year 1948 in Milan International Motor Show Fiat at that time issued two types of cars, the first Fiat 1100D, four-door type, and the Fiat 110 013, two-door type. Both these cars use the materials and steel. So might Fiat 1100D and 1100B is no doubt. Fiat 1100D could go to Indonesia, in Indonesia, this car is known by the name honde car.

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