Brain or lung is the organ that many of the center of attention. But what about the skin, do you know how much weight?

Skin consists of three layers. Namely epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The thickness of the skin also varies throughout the body. For example, smooth skin around the eyes just as thick as a few sheets of paper and knees at the feet only as thick as a pencil eraser.
Skin thinking about different characteristics in many areas, but the skin is an organ and not all skins 'fleshy'. As an organ, the skin covering the human body, including nails and hair. In total, approximately 16% of total body weight is skin.
Most adult skin skin weighing 10 kg or more. Of course, the skin varies depending on the weight of its owner, a person thinner, lighter weight leather. If the average adult skin stretched, the skin capable of covering two square meters.
After the skin, the heaviest human organ is the intestine (3.75 kg), lung (2.5 kg), liver (1.6 kg), brains (1.5 kg) and cardiac (0.3 kg).

Skin consists of three layers. Namely epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The thickness of the skin also varies throughout the body. For example, smooth skin around the eyes just as thick as a few sheets of paper and knees at the feet only as thick as a pencil eraser.
Skin thinking about different characteristics in many areas, but the skin is an organ and not all skins 'fleshy'. As an organ, the skin covering the human body, including nails and hair. In total, approximately 16% of total body weight is skin.
Most adult skin skin weighing 10 kg or more. Of course, the skin varies depending on the weight of its owner, a person thinner, lighter weight leather. If the average adult skin stretched, the skin capable of covering two square meters.
After the skin, the heaviest human organ is the intestine (3.75 kg), lung (2.5 kg), liver (1.6 kg), brains (1.5 kg) and cardiac (0.3 kg).
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