Leak is a man who is practicing black magic and has the behavior of cannibalism. It is said that Leak flying around trying to find a pregnant woman to suck the blood of a baby or newborn child, to complete his magical abilities. There are three legendary Leak, two female and one male. Leakage with a big magic skills can be turned into Rangda, queen of black magic. Leak said to haunt the cemetery, eat the corpse, has the power to transform themselves into animals, even her monkey-shaped teeth with gold or a big rat, a ball of fire and even a bald giant. It is said that he has a very long tongue and large fangs.
In the afternoon he appeared as an ordinary human being, but at night his head and stomach contents to free themselves from their bodies and fly around. His powerful enemy is the Barong, a character in the mythology of Bali. He is the king of the spirits, leader of a good host. Barong and Rangda exist in the natural order of the cosmos and represent Good and Evil. Both the Barong and Rangda that cemented the legend of Bali.
Leak in Balinese legend refers to a terrible drama inspired by black magic key figure of the Candidate Charcoal. The story is written in script illustrates that during the reign of the 11th century there Erland widow called Charcoal Candidate Girah village has a beautiful princess. His daughter name is Rachel Manggali, which has reached the adultery, but no one among the youth of the village and its surroundings have the courage to approach a virgin. This is because the mother is known to have knowledge of black magic, and the practice is evil, and with a bad attitude that causes many people to die and even hatred among the people increased, but this is used as a temptation to the needs of hungry black magic.
His bad reputation eventually reached the palace, and some soldiers took the initiative and requested permission from the king to punish widows. The soldiers headed to the village Girah and found her asleep. One solder dragged by the hair, but unfortunately he got up and once he surprised her with 2 bulging eyes shine wild fire and burned soldiers shooting, others take a few steps away from the run but once again his eyes flash fire burn them except one solder survived the magic feather evil black. Soldiers later reported to the king horrible experience, and make the king is really upset and ran out of reasons to resolve the issue. Charcoal candidate know that the palace is involved in the action attempted murder scandal, and he became angry out of control and spread evil supernatural forces that cause large epidemics.
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